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Creating Lending Markets

Creating a Pool

Before attempting to create a lending market, a curve pool for the ASSET paired with crvUSD which implements an unmanipulatable price oracle must exist. Pools with unmanipulatable oracles are the following:

Custom Price Oracles

If an ASSET/WETH pool is more desirable than an ASSET/crvUSD pool, it is possible to link the ASSET/WETH price to the WETH/crvUSD price using a custom price oracle. This can then be used to create a lending market. Please get in contact with the team in telegram if this is the case.

The easiest way to create a pool is through the official Create Pool UI.

Guides are available for creating a stableswap-ng pool, twocrypto-ng pool, and a tricrypto-ng pool.

Creating a Lending Market

To create a lending market use the create, or create_from_pool methods in the OneWay Lending Factory smart contract to deploy all relevant contracts and set all parameters. Find the OneWay Lending Factory addresses for different chains here. There is no UI for this step, it has to be done through Etherscan, or manually.

To deploy a lending market using the create_from_pool method after deploying a pool the following unique parameter is used:

  • pool : the address of the pool which includes both the borrowed_token and collateral_token.

To deploy a lending market using the create method with a custom oracle the following unique parameter is used:

  • price_oracle : address of the custom price oracle contract

Then for both methods the following additional parameters must be supplied:

  • borrowed_token : address of the token to be supplied and borrowed
  • collateral_token : address of the token to be used as collateral
  • A : the amplification factor, most markets use a value between 10-30. Use lower values for riskier assets.
    Input as a normal number, e.g., 10 = 10
  • fee : the amm swap fee, most pools use between 0.3-1.5%.
    Input as a \(10^{18}\) number, e.g., 0.06% = 6000000000000000.
  • loan_discount : the amount to discount collateral for calculating maximum LTV. This is usually higher than liquidation_discount by 3-4%.
    Input as a \(10^{18}\) number, e.g., 11% = 110000000000000000.
  • liquidation_discount : the amount to discount collateral for health and hard-liquidation calculations. This is usually less than loan_discount by 3-4%.
    Input as a \(10^{18}\) number, e.g., 8% = 80000000000000000.
  • name : The name of the market

Finally, the following parameters are optional for both methods, if they are not supplied they are set to the default values set by the CurveDAO:

  • min_borrow_rate : the minimum borrow rate, as rate/sec.
    Input as a \(10^{18}\) number, e.g., 1% APR = 317097919
  • max_borrow_rate : the maximum borrow rate, as rate/sec.
    Input as a \(10^{18}\) number, e.g., 80% APR = 25367833587


Parameters are given in different formats: A is just given as itself, e.g., 30 = 30, but others like loan_discount are given as a a \(10^{18}\) number, e.g., 11% = 110000000000000000.

Using the OneWay Lending Factory will add the pool to the Curve UI and deploy all contracts needed for the market to function.

CRV Rewards and other Incentives for Suppliers

Deploying a Gauge

A Curve lending market requires a gauge linked to the supply vault before suppliers can stake their vault shares to receive incentives/rewards. A gauge can be easily deployed through the OneWay Lending Factory by calling the deploy_gauge method and supplying the newly created vault contract address. Anyone can deploy a gauge for a market that does not have one.

Receiving CRV rewards from weekly emissions

Before a gauge is eligible to receive CRV from weekly emissions, it must be added to the Gauge Controller contract, the contract is deployed on Ethereum here. To be added to the Gauge Controller the CurveDAO must vote to add the lending market's gauge. See here for how to create a vote to add a gauge to the Gauge Controller.

Once a Curve lending market has a gauge added to the Gauge Controller and it receives some gauge weight, the suppliers will receive CRV rewards when they stake their vault shares into the gauge.

Adding other incentives for suppliers

The deployer of the Curve Lending Market is given the role of manager. The manager can add reward tokens to the pool through the add_reward method within the lending market's gauge. Once a token is added, the manager can deposit the token using the deposit_reward_token method. The tokens then stream to the suppliers staked in the gauge over the specified period.

Lending Market Deployment Parameters

Amplification Factor (A)

The amplification factor A defines the width of bands, see formula below and more detailed information here and applet here. A is also a part of the calculation for the maximum LTV of the market, see loan_discount section.

\[\text{band_width} \approx \frac{\text{price}}{\text{A}}\]

Loan Discount

The loan_discount is used for finding the maximum LTV (loan-to-value) a user can have in a lending market. At the time of writing this value ranges from 7% for WETH to 33% for volatile and less liquid assets like UwU. Use the calculator here to see the maximum LTVs a user can have based on the loan_discount, amplification factor A and their number of bands N. The formula is:

\[\text{max_LTV} = 1 - \text{loan_discount} - \frac{N}{2*A}\]

Liquidation Discount

liquidation_discount defines how much to discount the collateral for the purpose of a hard-liquidation. This is usually 3-4% lower than the loan_discount. A user is hard-liquidated when their health is less than 0, and the liquidation_discount is an integral part of the health calculation. See here for more information

Borrowing Interest Rates

When creating a market the creator must define the min_borrow_rate and max_borrow_rate of the market. Use the tool below to simulate how utilization affects borrowing and lending interest rates. In the smart contracts the rates they are given as interest per second, converting from a desired APR to a borrow_rate in interest per second is as follows:

\[\text{borrow_rate} = \frac{\text{APR}}{\text{seconds_in_year}} = \frac{\text{APR}}{86400 \times 365}\]

Rate Calculator


Utilization Chart

Utilization Table